Earn badges

Collect badges!

If you enter an activity on your profile in each full week of the challenge, you’ll unlock a badge on your profile. There are 8 weekly badges to collect!

Would you like to unlock our special bonus badge? Don’t forget to enter an activity on hae day :-) and add it to your collection!

How can I earn a badge?

To earn a badge, you need to create a profile and enter at least one (1) activity during each full week (Monday-Sunday) of the activity challenge. Hovering over a badge will give you more information on how to earn that specific badge.

Where do my badges go?

All earned badges will be unlocked on your profile page.

What about activities that are not entered during a full week of the challenge?

Our activity challenge will run from 1 April to 31 May. Any activities entered during the last days of May (after the last full week) will help towards our goal of walking around the world a record number of times and will help you unlock the last badge.

If you created a profile in a previous year, it is still there! If you don’t have a profile yet, go ahead and create one to be ready …

Sign in and earn badges with your activities

Haven’t got a profile yet and want to get started?