Join a team

We’ve updated how our Team function works in response to participant feedback.

Your steps will always count towards your country, and in your profile, you can also choose to contribute your steps to your Member Organization team, HAEi, or Youngsters.

You can join different teams for different activities, which means you can change teams during the activity challenge. For each activity, you choose which team to join.

You can also enter an activity as an individual contributor without joining a team.

To our pharmaceutical company supporters, we also offer the supporter companies as individual teams – this is for company employees only.

What happens when I join a team?

Your activities’ steps will always count towards your country and towards the totals of the teams you’ve joined during the challenge. On the homepage, you can see how many steps that each country and team has generated.

Will my activities count twice?

No! Only your individual activity time and steps will count towards the activity challenge – don’t worry, there’s no double-counting!