In brief

  • Name for organization: HAE Armenia
  • 15 members at 1 Jan 2021
  • Name of approved HAE treatments: N/A

Fun or interesting things about Armenia

  • Armenia is the first country to adopt Christianity as state religion.
  • The Armenian alphabet is one of the most advanced alphabets in the world and was created 405-406 AD.
  • In 2008, in the village of Areni the oldest shoe in the world was discovered.

What positive changes have happened for people with HAE, in your country, from 2012 to now?

In 2019, the initiative Hereditary Angioedema Armenia was launched. Over the past two years, the initiative has raised the awareness of physicians about hereditary angioedema. Training seminars were also organized for patients. Training materials for both physicians and patients have been published. Posters about hereditary angioedema in Armenian were adopted for Emergency departments. A patient database has been created. The Facebook page of “Hereditary Angioedema Armenia” and the website have been launched.

What is the biggest achievement for people with HAE, in your country, from 2012 to now?

Our biggest achievement is the establishment of the “Hereditary Angioedema Armenia” initiative, the association of several doctors who deal with patients with hereditary angioedema.

What is the resource, event or activity that you are most proud of organizing for people with HAE in your country, from 2012 to now?

International conference “Hereditary angioedema: new look to the old disease” dedicated to hereditary angioedema and its problems was organized on November 2019.

What support/ resources have you used from HAEi? What has HAEi helped you to achieve?

Through the efforts of HAEi, Mariam Movsisyan, one of the establishers of HAE Armenia initiative, had the opportunity to participate in the Central East European Workshop on Hereditary Angioedema (HAEi) in Warsaw. Information about Hereditary Angioedema Armenia initiative is available on the HAEi website.

Your Next Step… What do you want to achieve for people with HAE in your country by 2030?

In the future, more seminars with the involvement of  HAEi members will be organized for patients and their caregivers.

It is planned to expand the number of members of the Hereditary Angioedema Armenia initiative, to involve clinical trials with new drugs, to register modern drugs in Armenia for HAE patients, to initiate a process to establish an ACARE center in Armenia.

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